Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
Your Trusted Source for Quality Building Materials
Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
Crackfiller LC Filler Paste repairs cracks in walls, offering a smooth and durable finish for indoor and outdoor use.
CEMGROUT-NS is a durable non-shrink grout, ideal for construction and repairs, available in 25kg bags.
Micro Concreting Maintenance, repair and ensuring the serviceable condition of structures assume prime importance.
Water reducing and waterproofing admixture for all types of concrete and mortar. Napthalene Formaldehyde Sulphonate
Dichtament® IWL is an integral waterproofing admixture for concrete with good plasticizing properties. It does not contain any chloride and can also be used as an admixture for pre-stressed concrete. The mixing of Dichtament® IWL in the concrete brings about contraction of capillaries thereby rendering the concrete dense and waterproo
Sika Tilofix is a polymer modified, cementitious, normal setting, self curing, floor and wall tile adhesive.
Sika Grout 214 is expansive/ Nonshrink Grout, available in 30 Kgs Packing.
Sikadur®-42 is a three-component, high performance, high precision, lowexothermic, pourable, and solvent-free, and epoxy grouting system.
SikaLatex® SBR is a latex-based, water-resistant bonding agent and admixture for use in areas subject to humidity, dampness and continuous water contact.
SikaTop®-122 HS is a pre-batched one component polymer modified repair mortar.
A pourable, shrinkage compensated, high performance micro concrete with selected cement
Sikagard-67 is a water based, solvent free, odourless, epoxy resin protective coating