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Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
1000 Ltr Biodigester Tank for efficient waste treatment, featuring anaerobic digestion, BOD removal, and final sedimentation.
Cebex 100 is an admixture for cementitious grouts and concrete where a reduced water/cement ratio and positive expansion is required. Applications include bed grouting, duct grouting, non-shrink infilling and jointing.
Conplast SP430 is based on Sulphonated Napthalene Polymers and supplied as a brown liquid instantly dispersible in water. Conplast SP430 has been specially formulated to give high water reductions upto 25% without loss of workability or to produce high quality concrete of reduced permeability.
Dichtament® IWL is an integral waterproofing admixture for concrete with good plasticizing properties. It does not contain any chloride and can also be used as an admixture for pre-stressed concrete. The mixing of Dichtament® IWL in the concrete brings about contraction of capillaries thereby rendering the concrete dense and waterproo