Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
Your Trusted Source for Quality Building Materials
Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
1000 Ltr Biodigester Tank for efficient waste treatment, featuring anaerobic digestion, BOD removal, and final sedimentation.
Premium-quality cement designed for superior construction performance
AQUASMART® –TC 2K Floor Protect is a two-component, water-based, aliphatic coating .
HYPERDESMO®-ADY-E is a one-component polyurethane fluid which cures with the humidity in the atmosphere to produce a transparent membrane, of increased elasticity, with uniform adhesion over the entire surface.
Fully aliphatic (UV resistant), one-component, polyurethane liquid membrane.
Hyperplas Fibreglass is APPmodified polymeric waterproofing membrane .