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Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
Cebex 100 is an admixture for cementitious grouts and concrete where a reduced water/cement ratio and positive expansion is required. Applications include bed grouting, duct grouting, non-shrink infilling and jointing.
Conplast SP430 is based on Sulphonated Napthalene Polymers and supplied as a brown liquid instantly dispersible in water. Conplast SP430 has been specially formulated to give high water reductions upto 25% without loss of workability or to produce high quality concrete of reduced permeability.
Premium Quality Cement for Strong, Durable, and Long-Lasting Construction
It is a two pack, solvent free, epoxy resin coating for potable water retaining structures.
Latex Acrylic polymer based cement modifier cum bonding aid with waterproofing property.
AQUASMART® –TC 2K Floor Protect is a two-component, water-based, aliphatic coating .