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Build Stronger, Build Smarter with NUCONS!
Sikadur®-42 is a three-component, high performance, high precision, lowexothermic, pourable, and solvent-free, and epoxy grouting system.
Elastic, liquid applied crack bridging, 2 Pack acrylic cementitious waterproofing coating systematic.
SikaLatex® Power is a synthetic rubber emulsion which when added to cement slurry/ cement mortar/concrete/grout provides good adhesion and water resistance.
SikaLatex® SBR is a latex-based, water-resistant bonding agent and admixture for use in areas subject to humidity, dampness and continuous water contact.
2 Part Acrylic cementitious waterproofing coating system
SikaTop Seal-107 is a two part acrylic polymer modified cementitious liquid applied waterproof coating system.
Sikagard-67 is a water based, solvent free, odourless, epoxy resin protective coating
SikaTop®-122 HS is a pre-batched one component polymer modified repair mortar.
Sika Tilofix is a polymer modified, cementitious, normal setting, self curing, floor and wall tile adhesive.
Sika Grout 214 is expansive/ Nonshrink Grout, available in 30 Kgs Packing.
A pourable, shrinkage compensated, high performance micro concrete with selected cement